Health Information For Better Health

Wednesday 31 October 2012

What You Should Know About Painkillers.

What You Should Know About Painkillers!
They offer effective control of physical pain without any effort beyond swallowing a pill.
  • Oral painkillers are the first choice for pain control.
  • Painkillers have a calming emotional effect, which can help a patient deal with negativity surrounding the involved medical issue.
  • The drugs create a sense of euphoria, which makes the patient feel better all over. This euphoria is hard to give up.

Are Painkillers Safe?
These painkillers become less effective over time, so some patients will take increasingly more medication to achieve the same measure of relief. When taken regularly, the need for higher doses to deliver adequate relief is common. There are receptors within every cell of the body that receive signals from the chemicals in painkillers and determine how each cell will respond to the drug. The signals, in turn, wait for receptor ligands, or the cell's activation response switch, to be activated.
Every drug does not induce the same cell response; therefore, the reaction and tolerance to each drug can be different. And, not every individual's system will have the same response. The varying responses and mechanisms are the root of drug tolerance. As the drug tolerance changes, dosing is often increased and dependence can become an issue.
People who take painkillers should be aware that excessive or extended over-use can lead to negative side-effects such as increased risk for stroke, heart problems and permanent hearing loss.

Fixing Addiction!
Everyone needs to have a personal approach to dealing with the potential for addiction to painkillers. The process begins with simple awareness. There is a time and place for pain medication. This type of drug should only be used for the intended purpose during an initial period of healing. There needs to be acute awareness of any signs of dependency, such as the need for cascading dose increases in order to quell the pain.

For more health tips, read:
Manage Pain With Meditation.
Natural Remedies For Depression.
The Immune System.

Friday 19 October 2012

Manage Pain With Meditation

Studies have shown that meditation can be very effective in the management of pain, as well as reducing stress. This method of pain relief, unlike chemical drugs, has no adverse side effects associated with it.

Meditation helps to relax the body and helps the mind to focus on other things instead of the pain. It can relieve not only the pain, but also the body's responses to the pain. This can go a long way towards reducing pain and the fatigue and stress associated with it.

Pain is felt not only physically, but emotionally. Meditation helps the mind to focus on breathing and positive images. This form of creative visualization can positively affect how your nervous system responds to pain, which can help to diminish the severity of your pain.

A person in pain is generally hyper-sensitive and tense as a result of suffering. Meditation helps relieve feelings of anxiety and regulates blood pressure. This helps the person to cope with pain in a better way.

Meditation helps a person focus on breathing in order to relax. Studies have shown that controlled breathing helps lower the heart rate, regulates the secretion of hormones and boosts the immune system. People who meditate are thus better able to tolerate pain, because they can learn to redirect their attention to other things in their lives. Such people can manage their pain with reduced amounts of medication and can sometimes manage without them.

For more health tips, read:
What You Should Know About Painkillers
Natural Remedies For Depression
Six Foods For Better Heart Health

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Try Oral Supplements to Combat Aging Skin

Skin is the largest organ of the human body and needs proper care to stay looking young and supple. Aging skin that has an excess of fine lines and wrinkles is the result of a lifetime of sun exposure and a variety of other environmental elements. The natural process of aging results in some wrinkles and loss of skin fullness, but avoiding sun exposure is the primary preventive measure to slow down the aging of your skin.

A healthy diet and lifestyle can help improve the look of your skin. There are also many dermatologic treatments available to help combat the appearance of aging skin. Taking a variety of oral vitamin supplements based on your personal needs can help keep your skin healthy and reduce the visible signs of aging skin.

Vitamin E
This daily supplement is rich in antioxidants and helps to fight the aging effects of free radicals. Vitamin E hydrates the skin and promotes cell growth.

Vitamin C
 Vitamin C is an important supplement for collagen production. Taken daily, the additional benefit of vitamin C is a boost to the immune system.

Vitamin A:
Taking this daily supplement enhances the production of sebum, a natural oil that hydrates the skin. Increased skin cell production reduces the appearance of fine facial wrinkles.

A consultation with a certified dermatologist can guide you to making the best decision about the skin care treatments that will most effectively combat the signs of aging skin.

For more health tips, read:
Note on Our Health
The Immune System
What You Should Know About Painkillers

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Natural Remedies For Depression

If you are depressed, medication and psychotherapy remain the mainstream treatments, and can do much to help you cope. Additionally, there are many natural alternative treatment options available to aid in relief from depression, here are some of them,though should be tried only after consultation with your primary care physician.
  •  Omega-3 fatty acids, either taken as a supplement or consumed in a diet rich in fish such as mackerel, salmon, sardines or caviar, help to control clinical and manic depression. Walnuts and flax seed are also abundant in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Alternative modalities that can help alleviate depression include yoga, tai chi, meditation and guided imagery or hypnosis . Yoga works by encouraging deep breathing, and strengthening and toning the body while it relaxes the mind. Meditation and guided imagery help redirect your mind away from anxieties and carry you to other places for a "mental break" where the mind can relax and repair. These modalities also encourage controlled breathing and help you disengage from stressful thoughts. Deep diaphragmatic breathing has a calming effect that can help to reduce stress.
  • Exercising for 20 minutes, 3 times a week is very helpful in managing depression. Aerobic exercise increases the heart and respiratory rates. It can be advantageous to reducing depression and is especially important to keep the symptoms of depression from returning, once they are under control. Singly or in combination, these natural remedies and alternative treatments for depression, anxiety and stress can offer good relief.
For more health tips read:
7 Healthy Eating Tips
Diets That Can Help Curb Diabetes
Six Foods For Better Heart Health