Health Information For Better Health

Monday 26 November 2012

Treatment for Ulcer in Stomach

Ulcers can be very painful, but there are foods that can help alleviate the pain. With proper diet, ulcer can be managed.

Stomach ulcer is a type of ulcer or a sore in the lining of the stomach. Symptoms of such includes abdominal pain with a burning sensation stretching towards the back, vomiting, nausea, weight loss and black tarry stools.

First and foremost, it is best if we regularly remind ourselves that eating excessively is dangerous to our health. As with its relation to stomach ulcers, large meals require a large amount of stomach acids necessary for food digestion. This can hasten the development of ulcers.

The basic principle in combatting stomach ulcers is to have knowledge of the foods that trigger this illness. Mainly, this has something to do with the kind of food that causes excessive acid production.

Foods To Avoid For Ulcers In Stomach:
Avoid spicy foods for they intensify the symptoms of ulcer. Also, caffeine and alcohol should be reduced because they practically cause an increase of the acidity of the stomach. So as with sodium, like the salt and soy sauce, which are commonly found in canned soups, junk foods or chips, and even salted-meat.

Foods To Include For Ulcers In Stomach:
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are good foods to reduce, if not cut, the risk of ulcer. Studies show that this particular fatty acid induces the production of prostaglandins which are responsible in protecting the linings of the stomach and intestines.

Fiber-rich diet is an optimum choice of escaping the symptoms of ulcers. Both fruits and vegetables are great sources of fiber and other essential nutrients which play a role in healing ulcers. These include carrots, cabbage juice, pepper, yellow squash, strawberry and kiwi fruit that were said to contain antioxidants. Antioxidants are healing agents for ulcer.

Celery, cranberries, apples, garlic and green tea are both antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. This is because these foods are rich in flavonoids, a certain antioxidant which regulates the production of H. Pylori bacteria. This bacteria are said to be the standing culprit of ulcers.

Fish, eggs, tofu, leaner cuts of meat, beans and legumes, and soy eat substitutes are best food alternatives for proteins. Water, mild teas, non-caffeinated beverages, non-carbonated beverages, and most juices except citrus juices are great replacements for sodas and coffee.

Best options for carbohydrate-rich foods include whole grain bread, oatmeal, barley, desserts made without trans fats, whole grain tortillas and pita bread. Alternatives to replace creamy condiments and spicy sauce or honey, fruit jelly and jams, low-fat dressings for salads, light margarine and non-fat mayonnaise, both fresh and dried herbs, and moderate use of salt and pepper.

Large meals require a large amount of stomach acids necessary for food digestion. This can hasten the development of ulcers.

For More Health Tips, Read:
Diets That Can Help Curb Diabetes
Six Foods For Better Heart Health
What You Should Know About Painkillers

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Find Inner Peace Through Your Thoughts

The idea behind watching your thoughts is not just to be aware of the negative ones, and then suppress them, or ignore them, or try to fix them.

When you just observe a thought, and not allow it to carry you into the future, or propel you back into the past, it will automatically lose it's power over you. You just observe the thought without judgement, or criticism. Be a witness.

What you will find when you become an impartial observer to your thoughts, is that you will start to relax automatically because you aren't identifying with them.Your stress will start to leave. Stress busters come in many forms, but when you relax, and you become an impartial observer to your (both negative and positive) thoughts, you reduce stress and have inner peace. Simply see your thoughts as just words, waves on the ocean, whether they are positive or negative words or sentences. It doesn't matter to you, because you are no longer attached when you observe them.

What you will find, may be surprising. There will be thoughts of raw emotions and prejudices that surface that you had no idea were there before. Why? Because previously you have been covering them up, trying to be a "good person," with "perfect thoughts." You didn't let yourself see them. Don't fight the thoughts. Don't berate yourself, or question why those thoughts are there. Observe them, and allow them to pass.

Our thoughts come from our perceptions and beliefs about the world and our self images we try to protect. They come from our parents, our friends, the news, politicians, and just anywhere you can imagine. If you try to change your perception, that's a lot of hard work, which will just attach you more to your thoughts. There is an easier way, just tune in and observe them. Be aware when your thoughts come and go. Once observed, they will automatically leave on their own. You don't have to try to stop them, which you can't do anyway. Allow yourself to melt into that space between your thoughts. This is where you will find happiness and freedom.

For More Health Tips, Read:
 How to Survive in the Chaotic World.
Discover Yourself.
Note on Our Health .