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Friday, 28 December 2012

How to Make a New Year Resolution

We all make promises to improve ourselves at the beginning of each New Year. It has become quite a part of our New Year celebration. In less than 84 hours to bid 2012 farewell, it is not too early to look forward to 2013. At least we can plan ahead on how we are going to improve ourselves in the next year. Hence, let us take a look at the possibilities of planning ahead for the New Year resolution.

The beginning of every year brings in new hope and enthusiasm. We look forward to a new beginning and hope things to improve from the last year. New Year is celebrated with pomp and joy by every race around the world.

Tips in Making Your New Year Resolution a Success.
Although many of us make a New Year resolution at the beginning of a New Year but we do it more out of a custom than with actual planning. Also, people don't spare much thought in finding out what he/she will actually like to achieve in the year. Hence, the success rate with New Year resolution is actually poor. Some tips therefore can become handy in making your New Year resolution a success.

Fix your target: What is really important to you? What do you want to achieve in the coming days? Setting your priorities will help you set your New Year's resolution better.

Make a realistic promise: When we promise, we promise big, without really considering the possibilities of achieving it at the end. This is one of the major causes of higher failure rate with New Year's resolutions. Hence, make yourself a realistic promise.

Make an optimistic promise: Try and look at the positive side of the promise. Leave the negative ideas aside. Hence, instead of saying that ‘I'll not be late at my appointments' say 'henceforth, I'll reach everywhere in time'. The positive tone will help you improve your chances of success.

Break down big goals: If you have promised yourself a big thing set small targets at first. Instead of looking at the mammoth task on the whole, taking small steps towards achieving it will help you to reach the target easily.

Develop other habit: We all know that some habits are hard to change. Hence, the best way to change an old habit is by developing other engagement. If you have decided to quit smoking, find another engagement which will relax you and will take your mind away from smoking. You may read how to manage pain with meditation.

As our lives are so hectic and consumed by our careers, professions, personal and family life takes a backseat and sadly, that affects our loved ones and relationships, so resolving to spend more time with family is a good idea. You can try to incorporate time for them in your bust schedule by trying to pick a time or activity that the family can do together, simple things like having dinner together too makes a difference as the end of day normally have things that are shared between family members.

Resolutions can be for anything, they can be for personal goals that one has set out to achieve or even professional things, there are a plethora of issues that people make resolutions for, so here are a few of the most popular resolutions that are seen around the world:

A Resolution towards getting fitter:
It’s a funny yet statistically proven fact that the first of January is perhaps the most packed day for gyms, and the month of January fetches in the most profits as most people resolve to exercise more and get fitter, however by the month of February things come back to normal, so in the resolution fever do not set up extreme goals, the point is to make an activity enjoyable so that it is sustainable, once you become regular, attaining your fitness goals would be the easiest thing.

A Resolution to lose weight:
Apart from the resolution to getting fitter the other most popular resolution is to lose weight, and probably the only way to achieve that is to set goals that are realistic and set small targets that can be achieved sooner and hence keep motivating you. Dieting is perhaps the unhealthiest way to go about it, since giving up things usually leads to binging later.

A Resolution to quit smoking:
It’s never too late to make a change in your life, so if you finally want to give up the habit of smoking then the beginning year perhaps the best time to do it. Taking into the evidence the overwhelming side effects of smoking, you can choose whatever way suits you better, it can be a nicotine gum, the patch etc. Add years to your life by quitting the habit.

A Resolution to try enjoying life and not being stressed out:
It’s a common complaint of the working class that they are constantly plagued by stress, so it is time to take matter in your hands and try to relax by indulging in your favourite activities more often. Doing so not only makes you feel more relaxed but also enhances your performance in the working stage.

A Resolution to pay off all debts, and manage money more efficiently:
With the tumultuous economic changes that the world has seen in the ast few years, it is understandable that financial instability has hit most of us, so trying to establish a balance begins with clearing off any past dues and then charting out plans that will assist you in all financial issues. You may also read, How to be financially successful.

A Resolution towards acquiring new skills and learning new things:
Learning new things helps us evolve constantly, and only makes us richer and more knowledgeable, so learning a new language or activity is a good idea, not only does it keep things interesting but also helps you acquire new skills that can come handy at any point of time.

A Resolution to trying to curb the consumption of alcohol:
Most of us label ourselves as social drinkers, but more often than not wake up with massive hangovers in the mornings. Over consumption of alcohol is not only hurtful for the liver but also for the wallet, so trying to curb your alcohol consumption might actually go a long way into helping you physically as well as financially.

A Resolution towards cultivating healthy eating habit:
Though most people resolve to crash diets and diet fads to get fitter and slimmer, it is a known fact that such methods do not help that much, so trying to cultivate healthy eating habits is perhaps the best way to be healthier for the longer term, cutting out on processed foods, unsaturated fats, sugar, can lead to achieveing all your physical goals.

Now that we have compiled a list of the most popular New Years Resolutions here are a few pointers on how to achieve them without losing motivation and focus:
  • Try to start slow, one resolution at a time
  • Try to be clear about what you want it’s easier to lose drive about a vague resolution.
  • Chalk out a plan, organizing and managing generally produces better results.
  • Don’t wait to start planning on New Year’s only, chalk out the plan earlier so that you can begin with the New Year.
  • Learn from the past, and try to avoid making the same mistakes again.
  • Be positive about your resolution, it’s a great motivator.
Want More Tips, Read:
 How to Survive in the Chaotic World
Find Inner Peace Through Your Thoughts
Managing Time for Growth

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