Health Information For Better Health

Monday 11 March 2013

You Can Be Healthy At Any Size

Tape measure If you’ve ever wondered whether a person has to be thin to be healthy, you might breathe a sigh of relief to know that the idea being healthy at any size is gaining greater support from health and fitness practitioners. Increasingly, research shows that even people who do want to lose weight end up being more successful at it when they focus more on achieving health and less on body size. - You may like to read, Note on Our Health.

For many decades, dieters have felt the pressure of getting their weight to fall within the size charts that dictate how much a person must weigh based on gender and height. While these numbers are good goals to have in mind, for individuals with larger bone structure or greater muscle mass, these numbers may be difficult to achieve. What matters most is not that your body falls within the numbers on these charts, but that your heart is healthy, you are energetic and that your weight does not place excessive pressure on your joints. In this respect, it is possible for a person who is carrying extra weight to be healthy.

In general, the smartest way to approach achieving health is to establish healthy habits across an extended period of time. Eating well-balanced meals, drinking enough water, eating only when hungry, keeping stress levels to a minimum, and exercising daily are all desirable habits that will help you to enjoy a healthy life

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